If you accessed your publisher, you encountered a reconnection error. Some settings on your network or browser may not allow connection to your workspace.

The causes of the problem can be multiple, but most cases are represented by the presence of browser extensions or by incorrect configuration of DNS records.

Extensions like AdBlock, AdGuard, uBlock, and others

Some extensions that can be added to browsers such as Chrome have the function of blocking advertisements or various popups, but can also pose a problem of access to your editor: to check the problem, you can try browsing your website to using a form in Incognito available from the control bar of Chrome.

To browse incognito and check the problem:

- Click on the icon of the three vertical chrome dots on the right of the navigation bar.

- Click New Incognito Window.

- Go to SiteCo.Vip and log in to your account.

With incognito, none of the extensions of your browser will be active. If you have successfully accessed your workspace, it is very likely that the problem is due to one of the extensions.

To remove or disable one of the extensions on Chrome:

- Click on the icon of the three vertical chrome dots on the right of the navigation bar.

- Go with the mouse on the item Other tools and, in the drop-down menu, select Extensions.

- In the Extensions tab, click Remove to remove the extension or the blue enhancer to the right of each extension to disable it.

After you disable or remove an extension, restart Chrome and try to reconnect.

Incorrect DNS configuration

If you purchased the SiteCo Professional service with the DNS service and the domain you are using has been registered with a third-party provider, the DNS configuration may not have been configured correctly.

I remind you that the DNS configuration of your domain must contain all the records listed in our guide Define a DNS record and that the problem of reconnection is often due to an error in the A record or in the CNAME.

You can check for possible DNS pointing errors by opening a new tab and searching for your domain with and without www. (that is, you will need to search for your domain such as SiteCo.Vip and www.SiteCo.Vip).

To check the current configuration of your DNS records, you can ping the domain using the command prompt on your computer or an online service such as https://pingtool.org/.

To check on the online service that the DNS records are correct, you must enter the name of your domain (for example, SiteCo.Vip) in the Target IP / Hostname field, then re-enter the operation by entering the name of your domain with www. (for example www.SiteCo.Vip)

In both cases, the IP address of the record should be, as shown in both images.

If you find a different IP address on both hostnames (such as SiteCo.Vip and www.SiteCo.Vip), you will need to reconfigure the DNS records by accessing the DNS control panel of your current provider. All configuration parameters are present in the following guide.